Monday 18 April 2011

Lent: The Best Diet?

Over the past 30 odd days I have followed the traditional Lent fastings of my Christian upbringing.
Do I do it to appease my Great Grandma who probably turns at least once a day in her grave at my life or to justify my parents spending thousands of dollars on my religious education? I am afraid it all comes down to the fact that Lent is and always has been the best diet formula ever.

No meats on Fridays so you substitute it with corn meat or baked fish and loads of vegetables. no eating in between meals so no snacking on chocolate, crisps, and all those fun things you didn't realise you had in the fridge till you want a midnight snack. and no pop or fizzy drinks to retain water.

After working a night shift however on Saturday I walked into Sainsbury's (London's equivalent of the Giant Eagle minus the Eagle Nest. England has not caught on to the phenomenon yet of leaving your children to play video games while you shop and could be teaching them valuable things such as how to effectively budget shop and healthy eating.) and there it was. my best friend. and nemesis. Diet Coke. On sale never the less.....Diet Coke has not been on a proper sale since the VAT increase. It was like a sign. The bottle looked bigger. the label even shinier than I had remembered....So I bought 4 2L bottles and consumed my own body weight in aspartame and sweeteners....

So after 30 days a mere ten or so short. How have I managed on my Lenten Diet?
10 pounds down!

Coming to America in 5 weeks has been the biggest push to lose weight. Lent was merely the backbone behind it to get the ball moving. I know after a mere 2 or 3 days in the states will result in binge eating. upset stomach. and major weight fluctuation. so I figure if I lose a bit before I go Ill still be able to button my jeans when I come back!

Till I write again.

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